Rising Up to the occasion
Event design for Rise Up International's flagship store launch party
Event design for Rise Up International's flagship store launch party
Rise Up International is a cooperative of artists, idealists, and entrepreneurs, who are using art,humanitarian projects, and grass roots organizing to create positive socialchanges in the world. I had the pleasure of helping promote the grand opening of their first flagship store in downtown Phoenix on April 12, 2008. In an effort to spread awareness, a launch party was held at Glyphics Design the night prior. Nelson Stickle and I were the main event designers in charge of printed invites, event coordination, planning and design.* So many generous people from the community came together to donate their talents and help support this wonderful event, that went off without a hitch. It's really cool to see how design can impact the world. I urge you to support, buy a t-shirt, attend an event, or just be inspired... http://riseupinternational.com
*note: I did not design the Rise Up logo and tagline